Generate ranked ballots using the impartial culture / random society model.
The impartial culture model selects complete preference rankings from the
set of all possible preference rankings using a uniform distribution.
This model is unrealistic, but is commonly used because it has some
worst-case properties and is comparable between researchers. [2]_
n_voters (int) – Number of voters
n_cands (int) – Number of candidates
random_state ({None, int, np.random.Generator}, optional) – Initializes the random number generator. If random_state is int, a
new Generator instance is used, seeded with its value. (If the same
int is given twice, the function will return the same values.)
If None (default), an existing Generator is used.
If random_state is already a Generator instance, then
that object is used.
election – A collection of ranked ballots.
Rows represent voters and columns represent rankings, from best to
worst, with no tied rankings.
Each cell contains the ID number of a candidate, starting at 0.
For example, if a voter ranks Curie > Avogadro > Bohr, the ballot line
would read [2,0,1] (with IDs in alphabetical order).
Return type:
This implementation first generates a set of independent, uniformly
distributed random utilities, which are then converted into rankings. [1]_
It can (extremely rarely) generate tied utilities, which are always ranked
in order from lowest to highest, so there is a very slight bias in favor of
lower-numbered candidates?
Generate an election with 4 voters and 3 candidates:
Generate normally distributed voters and candidates in issue space.
n_voters (int) – Number of voters
n_cands (int) – Number of candidates
dims (int) – Number of dimensions
corr (float) – Correlation between each pair of random variables
disp (float) – The relative dispersions of voters vs candidates, as a ratio of
standard deviations. For example, 1.0 means they are distributed by
the same amount, while 0.5 means that candidates are more tightly
concentrated than voters.
random_state ({None, int, np.random.Generator}, optional) – Initializes the random number generator. If random_state is int, a
new Generator instance is used, seeded with its value. (If the same
int is given twice, the function will return the same values.)
If None (default), an existing Generator is used.
If random_state is already a Generator instance, then
that object is used.
voters (numpy.ndarray) – Positions of voters in N-dimensional space, of shape
cands (numpy.ndarray) – Positions of candidates in N-dimensional space, of shape
For computational efficiency, this behaves as if it had first generated an
n×n correlation matrix with corr correlation between each pair of
variables, then diagonalized it, rotating it to principal axes, so the
variables became uncorrelated (though the distribution kept the same
shape), then generated independent normally distributed variables from it.
For 4 dimensions and a correlation of C, for instance, the correlation
matrix is:
This can also be interpreted as a covariance matrix, since only relative
variance matters, not absolute variance.
After rotating the distribution, the covariance matrix becomes:
where B=1-corr and A=1+(dims-1)*corr
And to simplify even more, the first variable becomes scaled by A/B, while
the rest are 0 or 1, since again, only the relative variance matters.
Generate normalized utilities from a spatial model.
Given the positions of voters and candidates, calculate the distance from
each voter to each candidate, and then assign proportional utilities, where
the farthest candidate from each voter has a utility of 0 and the nearest
has a utility of 1.
voters (array_like) – Positions of voters in N-dimensional space, of shape
cands (array_like) – Positions of candidates in N-dimensional space, of shape
utilities – A collection of utilities between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Rows represent voters and columns represent candidates.
Return type:
Given an election with 3 voters and 3 candidates in a 2D space:
Generate utilities using the impartial culture / random society model.
The random society [1]_ or random uniform utilities [2]_ model selects
independent candidate utilities for each voter from a uniform distribution
in the interval [0, 1).
This model is unrealistic, but is commonly used because it has some
worst-case properties and is comparable between researchers. [3]
n_voters (int) – Number of voters
n_cands (int) – Number of candidates
random_state ({None, int, np.random.Generator}, optional) – Initializes the random number generator. If random_state is int, a
new Generator instance is used, seeded with its value. (If the same
int is given twice, the function will return the same values.)
If None (default), an existing Generator is used.
If random_state is already a Generator instance, then
that object is used.
utilities – A collection of utilities between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Rows represent voters and columns represent candidates.
Return type:
Generate an election with 4 voters and 3 candidates: