Source code for elsim.methods.condorcet

from itertools import combinations

import numpy as np

from elsim.methods._common import _tally_pairs, njit

[docs] def ranked_election_to_matrix(election): """ Convert a ranked election to a pairwise comparison matrix. Each entry in the matrix gives the total number of votes obtained by the row candidate over the column candidate. [1]_ Parameters ---------- election : array_like A collection of ranked ballots. Rows represent voters and columns represent rankings, from best to worst, with no tied rankings. Each cell contains the ID number of a candidate, starting at 0. For example, if a voter ranks Curie > Avogadro > Bohr, the ballot line would read ``[2, 0, 1]`` (with IDs in alphabetical order). Returns ------- matrix : ndarray A pairwise comparison matrix of candidate vs candidate defeats. For example, a ``3`` in row 2, column 5, means that 3 voters preferred Candidate 2 over Candidate 5. Candidates are not preferred over themselves, so the diagonal is all zeros. References ---------- .. [1] Wikipedia, “Condorcet method: Pairwise counting and matrices”, Examples -------- Label some candidates: >>> A, B, C = 0, 1, 2 Specify the ballots for the 5 voters: >>> election = [[A, C, B], ... [A, C, B], ... [B, C, A], ... [B, C, A], ... [C, A, B], ... ] Convert to a matrix: >>> ranked_election_to_matrix(election) array([[0, 3, 2], [2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0]], dtype=...) This shows that Candidate A (row 0) is preferred over B (column 1) by 3 voters. C (row 2) is preferred over A (column 0) by 3 voters. C (row 2) is preferred over B (column 1) by 3 voters. """ election = np.asarray(election) # Cache results since this is slow and called repeatedly with same input self = ranked_election_to_matrix try: if (self._cache_in == election.tobytes() and self._cache_shape == election.shape): return self._cache_out except AttributeError: self._cache_in = None self._cache_shape = None self._cache_out = None n_cands = election.shape[1] sum_matrix = np.zeros((n_cands, n_cands), dtype=int) # Look at every pairwise combination of columns in the election at once # All 1st-pref candidates vs 2nd-pref, all 1st-pref vs 3rd-pref, etc. pairs = election[:, tuple(combinations(range(n_cands), 2))] # Make a tallying array and then tally all pairs into it sum_matrix = np.zeros((n_cands, n_cands), dtype=np.uint) _tally_pairs(pairs, sum_matrix) self._cache_in = election.tobytes() self._cache_shape = election.shape self._cache_out = sum_matrix return sum_matrix
[docs] @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def condorcet_from_matrix(matrix): """ Find the winner of a ranked ballot election using a Condorcet method. This does not contain any "tiebreakers"; those will be implemented by other methods' functions. It is not a Condorcet completion method. Parameters ---------- matrix : array_like A pairwise comparison matrix of candidate vs candidate defeats. Returns ------- winner : int The ID number of the winner, or ``None`` for a Condorcet cycle / tie. Examples -------- Label some candidates: >>> A, B, C = 0, 1, 2 Specify the pairwise comparison matrix for the election: >>> matrix = np.array([[0, 3, 2], ... [2, 0, 2], ... [3, 3, 0]]) Candidate A (row 0) is preferred over B (column 1) by 3 voters. C (row 2) is preferred over A (column 0) by 3 voters. C (row 2) is preferred over B (column 1) by 3 voters. C is thus the Condorcet winner: >>> condorcet_from_matrix(matrix) 2 """ # TODO: np.asarray would be nice for accepting array_like, but breaks numba if matrix.shape[0] != matrix.shape[1] or len(matrix.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Input must be n by n square sum matrix') n_cands = matrix.shape[0] # Vectorized version is actually slower: # matrix = matrix.astype(np.uint) # n_cands = len(matrix) # wins = (matrix > matrix.T).sum(axis=1) # winner = (wins == n_cands-1).nonzero()[0] # if len(winner) == 1: # return int(winner[0]) # else: # return None # Brute force numba version is 4× faster (in part because it halts early) for runner in range(n_cands): wins = 0 for opponent in range(n_cands): if runner == opponent: continue else: if matrix[runner, opponent] > matrix[opponent, runner]: wins += 1 if wins == n_cands - 1: return runner return None
[docs] def condorcet(election): """ Find the winner of a ranked ballot election using a Condorcet method. This does not contain any "tiebreakers"; those will be implemented by other methods' functions. It is not a Condorcet completion method. [1]_ Parameters ---------- election : array_like A collection of ranked ballots. Rows represent voters and columns represent rankings, from best to worst, with no tied rankings. Each cell contains the ID number of a candidate, starting at 0. For example, if a voter ranks Curie > Avogadro > Bohr, the ballot line would read ``[2, 0, 1]`` (with IDs in alphabetical order). Returns ------- winner : int The ID number of the winner, or ``None`` for a Condorcet cycle / tie. References ---------- .. [1] Examples -------- Label some candidates: >>> A, B, C = 0, 1, 2 Specify the ballots for the 5 voters: >>> election = [[A, C, B], ... [A, C, B], ... [B, C, A], ... [B, C, A], ... [C, A, B], ... ] Candidate A is preferred over B by 3 voters. C is preferred over A by 3 voters. C is preferred over B by 3 voters. C is thus the Condorcet winner: >>> condorcet(election) 2 """ election = np.asarray(election) # Handle special case of 1 candidate if election.shape[1] == 1: if all(election == 0): return 0 else: raise ValueError('Election is not a set of complete ranking ' 'ballots') matrix = ranked_election_to_matrix(election) return condorcet_from_matrix(matrix)